
This vignette documents the extraction of email addresses from a large corpus. This vignette cannot be executed as the corpus is not publicly available. It is likely that the code chunks on this vignette will benefit from being run on a linux server to avoid special character handling on Windows.



Function definition

get_mail <- function(pdf){
    if (file.size(pdf) > 0){
        text <- pdf_text(pdf)
        text2 <- strsplit(text, "\n")
        i1 <- grep("@", text2)
        if (length(i1) >= 1) {
            mails <- lapply(i1, function(ii){
                i2 <- grep("@", text2[[ii]])
                text3 <- lapply(i2, function(i) unlist(strsplit(text2[[ii]][[i]], " ")))
                mail <- lapply(text3, function(txt) txt[grep("@", txt)])
                mail <- gsub("\r", "", mail)
                mail <- gsub("\n", "", mail)
        } else {
            warning("More than one email address! (or less than one email address)")

Target directories

Here we define a list of target directories for the .pdf document for the language lang.

lang <- "portuguese" # one of "english", "spanish", "portuguese"
pdf.dirs <- c(
    paste0("latin_america/corpus_pdf/", lang, "/", lang, ".Data"),
    paste0("latin_america/corpus_pdf/", lang, "/manual_download_", lang)
lf <- lapply(pdf.dirs, function(pdf.dir){
    list.files(file.path(root.dir, pdf.dir), recursive = TRUE, pattern = ".pdf", full.names = TRUE)
lf <- c(lf[[1]], lf[[2]])

Getting emails

mails <- unlist(lapply(lf, get_mail))
write.table(mails, file.path(pdf.dirs[1], paste0("mails_", lang, ".csv")), row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

python post-processing

We then filtered and formatted the resulting files with the following python code.

from validate_email import validate_email

def flatten(var,vartype='list'):
    if vartype == 'list':
        var=[item for sublist in var for item in sublist]
    elif vartype == 'array':
        var=np.asarray([item for sublist in var for item in sublist])
    return var

lang = "portuguese"
file = "./data/mails_" + lang +".csv"
f = open(file,'r') # open file
data_raw = f.readlines() # read lines, return a list, each element is a str
data = [row.split('\r\n') for row in data_raw]
data = [row.split('"') for row in flatten(data)]
data = [row.split('(') for row in flatten(data)]
data = [row.split(')') for row in flatten(data)]
data = [row.split('\\') for row in flatten(data)]
data = [row.split(',') for row in flatten(data)]
data = [row.split(';') for row in flatten(data)]
data = [row.split('*') for row in flatten(data)]
data = flatten(data)

mails = [elmt+'\n' for elmt in data if validate_email(elmt)]
mails = [elmt for elmt in mails if len(elmt) > 10]
filename = open("./data/mails_" + lang +"_fmt.d",'w')