
This vignette documents the code used to run the topic model (LDA, Blei, Ng, and Jordan (2003)]).


lines = readLines("corpus.dat")
vec = VectorSource(lines)
obj_corpus = Corpus(vec)
obj_dtm = DocumentTermMatrix(obj_corpus)
var_fileNames = readLines("info.dat")

var_num_cores <- 4
var_parallel_cluster <- makeCluster(var_num_cores)

var_number_of_topics <- 105 
var_gibbs_sampler_iterations <- 1000 
var_prior_alpha <- 0.5
var_prior_beta <- 0.1

var_initial_assignments <- NULL
var_burnin = 50

Function declarations

function_token_count <- function(x){
  var_return_counts = c()
  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    var_corpus_item = unlist(strsplit(x[i]$content, " "))
    var_return_counts[i] <- length(var_corpus_item)
  return (var_return_counts)
function_dtm_to_list <- function(var_obj_dtm, var_filelist) {
  var_document_list <- list()
  for (i in 1: length(var_filelist)) {
    var_file <- var_filelist[i]
    var_tokenlist <- unlist(strsplit(var_obj_dtm[i]$content, split = ' '))
    var_document_list[[var_file]] <- var_tokenlist

# convert a document list to the data format required for
# the lda package to process
function_make_lda_required_structure <- function(var_document_list, var_match_vocab) {
  var_index <- match(var_document_list, var_match_vocab)
  var_index <- var_index[!is.na(var_index)]
  rbind(as.integer(var_index - 1), as.integer(rep(1, length(var_index))))

Fitting the model

var_document_token_counts = function_token_count(obj_corpus)
var_vocabulary <- obj_dtm$dimnames$Terms
var_documents <- function_dtm_to_list(obj_corpus, var_fileNames) # corpus documents as simple list
var_lda_document_List <- parLapply(var_parallel_cluster, var_documents, function_make_lda_required_structure, var_vocabulary) 
# get the start system time
var_sys_time_start_lda <- Sys.time()
obj_fitted_lda_model <- lda.collapsed.gibbs.sampler(documents = var_lda_document_List,
                                                    K = var_number_of_topics, 
                                                    vocab = var_vocabulary, 
                                                    num.iterations = var_gibbs_sampler_iterations, 
                                                    alpha = var_prior_alpha, 
                                                    eta = var_prior_beta, 
                                                    initial = var_initial_assignments, 
                                                    burnin = var_burnin,
                                                    compute.log.likelihood = TRUE)

Structuring model output

We now calculate a matrix from the LDA output (structured as required by ldavis package), with each row containing the probability distribution over topics for a document, with as many rows as there are documents in the corpus, and as many columns as there are topics in the model. In Blei, Ng, and Jordan (2003)’s LDA article, this coincides with the M replicate of the LDA plate model, or the matrix \(\Theta\) which is the collection of topic vectors.

var_theta <- t(apply(obj_fitted_lda_model$document_sums + var_prior_alpha, 2, function(x) x/sum(x)))
var_phi <- t(apply(t(obj_fitted_lda_model$topics) + var_prior_beta, 2, function(x) x/sum(x)))
saveRDS(file="./topicDocs.Rds", var_theta)
saveRDS(file="./topicWords.Rds", var_phi)


Blei, David M, Andrew Y Ng, and Michael I Jordan. 2003. “Latent Dirichlet Allocation.” Journal of Machine Learning Research 3 (Jan): 993–1022.